§ 163‑278.99A. Reporting requirements.
(a) Reporting byNoncertified Candidates and Other Entities. Any nonparticipating candidatewith a certified opponent shall report total contributions received to theBoard by facsimile machine or electronically within 24 hours after the totalamount of contributions received exceeds eighty percent (80%) of the triggerfor matching funds as defined in G.S. 163‑278.96(17). Any entity makingindependent expenditures in support of or in opposition to a certified candidate,or in support of a candidate opposing a certified candidate, or paying forelectioneering communications referring to one of those candidates, shallreport the total funds received, spent, or obligated for those expenditures orpayments to the Board by facsimile machine or electronically within 24 hoursafter the total amount of expenditures or obligations made, or funds raised orborrowed, for the purpose of making the independent expenditures orelectioneering communications exceeds five thousand dollars ($5,000). After theinitial 24‑hour filing, the nonparticipating candidate or other reportingentity shall comply with an expedited reporting schedule. The schedule andforms for reports required by this subsection shall be supplied by the Board.
(b) Reporting byParticipating and Certified Candidates. Notwithstanding other provisions oflaw, participating and certified candidates shall report any money received andall campaign expenditures, obligations, and related activities to the Boardaccording to procedures developed by the Board. Upon the filing of a finalreport for any losing primary election, special election, or general election,each candidate who has revenues from the Fund remaining unspent shall returnthose revenues to the Board. In developing these procedures, the Board shallutilize existing campaign reporting procedures wherever practicable.
(c) Timely Access toReports. The Board shall ensure prompt public access to the reports receivedin accordance with this Article. The Board may utilize electronic means ofreporting and storing information. (2007‑484, s. 43.8(c); 2007‑540, s. 1;2008‑150, s. 10.2(b); 2009‑570, s. 26.)