§ 163‑278.99E. Votereducation.
(a) Voter Guide. TheBoard shall publish a Voter Guide that explains the functions of office asdefined in G.S. 163‑278.96(12) and the laws concerning the election ofthe Council of State, the purpose and function of the Fund, and the lawsconcerning voter registration. The Board shall distribute the Guide to as manyvoting‑age individuals in the State as practical, through a mailing toall residences or other means it deems effective. The State Board of Electionsshall maintain a list of the addresses from which mailed Voter Guides arereturned as undeliverable. That list shall be available for public inspection.The distribution shall occur no more than 28 days nor fewer than seven daysbefore the one‑stop voting period provided in G.S. 163‑227.2 forthe primary and no more than 28 days nor fewer than seven days before the one‑stopvoting period provided in G.S. 163‑227.2 for the general election.
(b) CandidateInformation. The Voter Guide shall include information concerning allcandidates for office as defined in G.S. 163‑278.96(12), as provided bythose candidates according to a format provided to the candidates by the Board.The Board shall request information for the Guide from each candidate accordingto the following format:
(1) Place of residence.
(2) Education.
(3) Occupation.
(4) Employer.
(5) Previous electiveoffices held.
(6) Endorsements,limited to 50 words. Concerning endorsements, the Board shall send to thecandidates instructions as follows: "In order to have an endorsementpublished, you must provide written confirmation to the Board from theendorsing person or organization that you received that person's ororganization's endorsement."
(7) Candidate statement,limited to 150 words. Concerning that statement, the Board shall send to thecandidates instructions as follows: "Your statement may includeinformation such as your qualifications, your endorsements, why you would makea good elected official, what distinguishes you from your opponent(s), and anyother information relevant to your candidacy. The State Board of Elections willreject any portion of any statement which it determines contains obscene,profane, or defamatory language. The candidate shall have three days toresubmit the candidate statement if the Board rejects a portion of thestatement."
(c) Disclaimer. TheVoter Guide shall contain the following statement: "Statements bycandidates do not express or reflect the opinions of the State Board ofElections."
(d) Relationship to theJudicial Voter Guide. The Board may publish the Voter Guide in conjunctionwith the Judicial Voter Guide described in G.S. 163‑278.69. (2007‑391, s. 4(b);2007‑484, s. 43.8(c); 2007‑540, s. 1; 2008‑187, s. 33(a).)