§ 163‑324. Filingfees required of candidates; refunds.
(a) Fee Schedule. At the time of filing a notice of candidacyunder this Article, each candidate shall pay to the State Board of Elections afiling fee for the office he seeks in the amount of one percent (1%) of theannual salary of the office sought.
(b) Refund of Fees. If any person who has filed a notice ofcandidacy and paid the filing fee prescribed in subsection (a) of this sectionwithdraws his notice of candidacy within the period prescribed in G.S. 163‑323(c),he shall be entitled to have the fee he paid refunded. The chairman of theState Board of Elections shall cause a warrant to be drawn on the StateTreasurer for the refund payment.
If any person who has filed a notice of candidacy and paid the filingfee prescribed in subsection (a) of this section dies prior to the date of theelection, the personal representative of the estate shall be entitled to havethe fee refunded if application is made to the board of elections to which the feewas paid no later than one year after the date of death, and refund shall bemade in the same manner as in withdrawal of notice of candidacy. (1996, 2nd Ex. Sess., c. 9, s. 7.)