§ 163‑332. Ballots.
(a) General. Inelections there shall be official ballots. The ballots shall be printed toconform to the requirement of G.S. 163‑165.6(c) and to show the name ofeach person who has filed notice of candidacy, and the office for which eachaspirant is a candidate.
Only those who have filed therequired notice of candidacy with the proper board of elections, and who havepaid the required filing fee or qualified by petition, shall have their namesprinted on the official primary ballots. Only those candidates properlynominated shall have their names appear on the official general electionballots.
(b) Ballots to BeFurnished by County Board of Elections. It shall be the duty of the countyboard of elections to print official ballots for the following offices to bevoted for in the primary:
Justice of the Supreme Court.
Judge of the Court of Appeals.
Superior court judge.
District court judge.
In printing ballots, thecounty board of elections shall be governed by instructions of the State Boardof Elections with regard to width, color, kind of paper, form, and size oftype.
Three days before theelection, the chairman of the county board of elections shall distributeofficial ballots to the chief judge of each precinct in his county, and thechief judge shall give a receipt for the ballots received. On the day of theprimary, it shall be the chief judge's duty to have all the ballots sodelivered available for use at the precinct voting place. (1996, 2nd Ex. Sess., c. 9,s. 7; 2001‑403, s. 1; 2001‑460, s. 9; 2002‑158, s. 7.)