§ 163‑48. Maintenance of order at place of registration and voting.
The chief judge and judges of election shall enforce peace and goodorder in and about the place of registration and voting. They shall especiallykeep open and unobstructed the place at which voters or persons seeking toregister or vote have access to the place of registration and voting. Theyshall prevent and stop improper practices and attempts to obstruct, intimidate,or interfere with any person in registering or voting. They shall protectchallenger and witnesses against molestation and violence in the performance oftheir duties, and they may eject from the place of registration or voting anychallenger or witness for violation of any provisions of the election laws.They shall prevent riots, violence, tumult, or disorder.
In the discharge of the duties prescribed in the preceding paragraph ofthis section, the chief judge and judges may call upon the sheriff, the police,or other peace officers to aid them in enforcing the law. They may order thearrest of any person violating any provision of the election laws, but sucharrest shall not prevent the person arrested from registering or voting if heis entitled to do so. The sheriff, police officers, and other officers of thepeace shall immediately obey and aid in the enforcement of any lawful ordermade by the precinct election officials in the enforcement of the electionlaws. The chief judge and judges of election of any precinct, or any two ofsuch election officials, shall have the authority to deputize any person orpersons as police officers to aid in maintaining order at the place ofregistration or voting. (1901, c. 89, s. 72; Rev., s. 4376; C.S., s. 5977; 1955, c. 871, s. 4;1967, c. 775, s. 1; 1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 762, s. 21.)