§ 163‑82.10B. Confidentiality of date of birth.
Boards of elections shall keepconfidential the date of birth of every voter‑registration applicant andregistered voter, except in the following situations:
(1) When a voter hasfiled notice of candidacy for elective office under G.S. 163‑106, 163‑122,163‑123, or 163‑294.2, or 163‑323, has been nominated as acandidate under G.S. 163‑98 or G.S. 163‑114, or has otherwiseformally become a candidate for elective office. The exception of thissubdivision does not extend to an individual who meets the definition of"candidate" only by beginning a tentative candidacy by receivingfunds or making payments or giving consent to someone else to receive funds ortransfer something of value for the purpose of exploring a candidacy.
(2) When a voter isserving in an elective office.
(3) When a voter hasbeen challenged pursuant to Article 8 of this Chapter.
(4) When a voter‑registrationapplicant or registered voter expressly authorizes in writing the disclosure ofthat individual's date of birth.
The disclosure of anindividual's age does not constitute disclosure of date of birth in violationof this section.
The county board of electionsshall give precinct officials access to a voter's date of birth where necessaryfor election administration, consistent with the duty to keep dates of birthconfidential.
Disclosure of a date of birthin violation of this section shall not give rise to a civil cause of action.This limitation of liability does not apply to the disclosure of a date ofbirth in violation of this subsection as a result of gross negligence, wantonconduct, or intentional wrongdoing that would otherwise be actionable. (2004‑127, s. 17(a).)