§ 163‑82.12. Promulgation of guidelines relating to computerized voter registration.
The State Board of Electionsshall make all guidelines necessary to administer the statewide voterregistration system established by this Article. All county boards of electionsshall follow these guidelines and cooperate with the State Board of Electionsin implementing guidelines. These guidelines shall include provisions for allof the following:
(1) Establishing,developing, and maintaining a computerized central voter registration file.
(2) Linking the centralfile through a network with computerized voter registration files in each ofthe counties.
(3) Interacting with thecomputerized drivers license records of the Division of Motor Vehicles and withthe computerized records of other public agencies authorized to accept voterregistration applications.
(4) Protecting andsecuring the data.
(5) Converting currentvoter registration records in the counties in computer files that can be usedon the statewide computerized registration system.
(6) Enabling thestatewide system to determine whether the voter identification informationprovided by an individual is valid.
(7) Enabling thestatewide system to interact electronically with the Division of Motor Vehiclessystem to validate identification information.
(8) Enabling theDivision of Motor Vehicles to provide real‑time interface for thevalidation of the drivers license number and last four digits of the socialsecurity number.
(8b) Notifying voter‑registrationapplicants whose drivers license or last four digits of social security numberdoes not result in a validation, attempting to resolve the discrepancy,initiating investigations under G.S. 163‑33(3) or challenges underArticle 8 of this Chapter where warranted, and notifying any voters of therequirement under G.S. 163‑166.2(b2) to present identification whenvoting.
(9) Enabling thestatewide system to assign a unique identifier to each legally registered voterin the State.
(10) Enabling the StateBoard of Elections to assist the Division of Motor Vehicles in providing to thejury commission of each county, as required by G.S. 20‑43.4, a list ofall registered voters in the county and all persons in the county with driverslicense records.
These guidelines shall not beconsidered to be rules subject to Article 2A of Chapter 150B of the GeneralStatutes. However, the State Board shall publish in the North Carolina Registerthe guidelines and any changes to them after adoption, with that publicationnoted as information helpful to the public under G.S. 150B‑21.17(a)(6).Copies of those guidelines shall be made available to the public upon requestor otherwise by the State Board. (1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 762, s. 2; 2003‑226,s. 7(a); 2007‑391, s. 21(b); 2008‑187, s. 33(a).)