§ 163‑82.20A. Voterregistration upon restoration of citizenship.
The State Board of Elections,the Department of Correction, and the Administrative Office of the Courts shalljointly develop and implement educational programs and procedures for persons toapply to register to vote at the time they are restored to citizenship and allfilings required have been completed under Chapter 13 of the General Statutes.Those procedures shall be designed to do both of the following:
(1) Inform the personthat the restoration of rights removes the person's disqualification fromvoting, but that in order to vote the person must register to vote.
(2) Provide anopportunity to that person to register to vote.
At a minimum, the programshall include a written notice to the person whose citizenship has beenrestored, informing that person that the person may now register to vote, witha voter registration form enclosed with the notice. (2007‑391, s. 26(a).)