§ 164‑37. Membership; chairman; meetings; quorum.
The Commission shall consist of 30 members as follows:
(1) The Chief Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court shallappoint a sitting or former Justice or judge of the General Court of Justice,who shall serve as Chairman of the Commission;
(2) The Chief Judge of the North Carolina Court of Appeals, oranother judge on the Court of Appeals, serving as his designee;
(3) The Secretary of Correction or his designee;
(4) The Secretary of Crime Control and Public Safety or hisdesignee;
(5) The Chairman of the Parole Commission, or his designee;
(6) The President of the Conference of Superior Court Judges orhis designee;
(7) The President of the District Court Judges Association orhis designee;
(8) The President of the North Carolina Sheriff's Association orhis designee;
(9) The President of the North Carolina Association of Chiefs ofPolice or his designee;
(10) One member of the public at large, who is not currentlylicensed to practice law in North Carolina, to be appointed by the Governor;
(11) One member to be appointed by the Lieutenant Governor;
(12) Three members of the House of Representatives, to beappointed by the Speaker of the House;
(13) Three members of the Senate, to be appointed by the PresidentPro Tempore of the Senate;
(14) The President Pro Tempore of the Senate shall appoint therepresentative of the North Carolina Community Sentencing Association that isrecommended by the President of that organization;
(15) The Speaker of the House of Representatives shall appoint themember of the business community that is recommended by the President of theNorth Carolina Retail Merchants Association;
(16) The Chief Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court shallappoint the criminal defense attorney that is recommended by the President ofthe North Carolina Academy of Trial Lawyers;
(17) The President of the Conference of District Attorneys or hisdesignee;
(18) The Lieutenant Governor shall appoint the member of the NorthCarolina Victim Assistance Network that is recommended by the President of thatorganization;
(19) A rehabilitated former prison inmate, to be appointed by theChairman of the Commission;
(20) The President of the North Carolina Association of CountyCommissioners or his designee;
(21) The Governor shall appoint the member of the academiccommunity, with a background in criminal justice or corrections policy, that isrecommended by the President of The University of North Carolina;
(22) The Attorney General, or a member of his staff, to beappointed by the Attorney General;
(23) The Governor shall appoint the member of the North CarolinaBar Association that is recommended by the President of that organization.
(24) A member of the Justice Fellowship Task Force, who is aresident of North Carolina, to be appointed by the Chairman of the Commission.
(25) The President of the Association of Clerks of Superior Courtof North Carolina, or his designee.
(26) A representative of the Department of Juvenile Justice andDelinquency Prevention.
The Commission shall have its initial meeting no later than September1, 1990, at the call of the Chairman. The Commission shall meet a minimum offour regular meetings each year. The Commission may also hold special meetingsat the call of the Chairman, or by any four members of the Commission, uponsuch notice and in such manner as may be fixed by the rules of the Commission.A majority of the members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum. (1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 1076, s. 1; 1991 (Reg.Sess., 1992), c. 812, s. 12; c. 816, ss. 1, 2; 1993, c. 253, s. 5.1; c. 321, s.200.1; c. 535, s. 4; 1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 591, s. 6(a); 1995, c. 236, s.1; 1997‑256, s. 6; 1997‑347, s. 2; 1997‑401, s. 2; 1997‑418s. 2; 1997‑443, s. 18.6(a); 1998‑170, s. 1; 1998‑202, s.10(f); 2000‑137, s. 4(kk).)