§ 164‑47. BiennialReport on Recidivism.
The Judicial Department, through the North Carolina Sentencing andPolicy Advisory Commission, and the Department of Correction shall jointlyconduct ongoing evaluations of community corrections programs and in‑prisontreatment programs and make a biennial report to the General Assembly. Thereport shall include composite measures of program effectiveness based onrecidivism rates, other outcome measures, and costs of the programs.
During the 1998‑99 fiscal year, the Sentencing and PolicyAdvisory Commission shall coordinate the collection of all data necessary tocreate an expanded database containing offender information on priorconvictions, current conviction and sentence, program participation, andoutcome measures. Each program to be evaluated shall assist the Commission inthe development of systems and collection of data necessary to complete theevaluation process. The first evaluation report shall be presented to theChairs of the Senate and House Appropriations Committees and the Chairs of theSenate and House Appropriations Subcommittees on Justice and Public Safety byApril 15, 2000, and future reports shall be made by April 15 of each even‑numberedyear. (1998‑212, s.16.18(a).)