§ 165‑16. Rightsconferred; limitation.
(a) Every person to whom this Article applies is herebyauthorized and empowered, in his or her own name without order of court or theintervention of any guardian or trustee:
(1) To purchase or lease any property, either real or personal,or both, which such person may deem it desirable to purchase or lease in orderto avail himself or herself of any of the benefits of the laws of United Statesrelating to veterans benefits, and take title to such property in his or herown name or in the name of himself or herself and spouse.
(2) To execute any note or similar instrument for any part orall of the purchase price of any property purchased pursuant to subdivision (1)of this section and to secure the payment thereof by retained title contract,mortgage, deed of trust or other similar or appropriate instrument.
(3) To execute any other contract or instrument which suchperson may deem necessary in order to enable such person to secure the benefitsof the laws of the United States relating to veterans benefits.
(4) To execute any contract or instrument which such person maydeem necessary or proper in order to enable such person to make full use of anyproperty purchased pursuant to the provisions of the laws of the United Statesrelating to veterans benefits, including the right to dispose of such property;such contracts to include but not to be limited to the following:
a. With respect to a home: Contracts for insurance, repairs,and services such as gas, water, and lights, and contracts for furniture andother equipment.
b. With respect to a farm: Contracts such as are included inparagraph (a) of this subdivision (4) above, together with contracts forlivestock, seeds, fertilizer and farm equipment and machinery, and contractsfor farm labor and other farm services.
c. With respect to a business: Contracts such as are includedin paragraph (a) of this subdivision (4), together with such other contracts assuch person may deem necessary or proper for the maintenance and operation ofsuch business.
(b) Every person to whom this Article applies may execute suchcontracts as are hereby authorized in his own name without any order from anycourt, and without the intervention of a guardian or trustee, and no note,mortgage, conveyance, deed of trust, contract, or other instrument, conveyanceor action within the purview of this Article shall be invalid, voidable ordefective by reason of the fact that the person executing or performing thesame was at the time a minor.
(c) In respect to any action at law or special proceeding inrelation to any transaction within the purview of this Article, every minorperson to whom this Article applies shall appear and plead in his or her ownname and right without the intervention of any guardian or trustee, and everysuch minor person shall be considered a legal party to any such action at lawor special proceeding in all respects as if such person had attained the age of21 years. No such minor shall hereafter interpose the defense of lack of legalcapacity by reason of age in connection with any transaction within the purviewof this Article, nor disavow any such transaction upon coming of age.
(d) All such authority and power as are conferred by thisArticle are subject to all applicable provisions of the laws of the UnitedStates relating to veterans benefits. (1945, c. 770; 1967, c. 1060, s. 5.)