§ 165‑25. Definitions.
The following terms, wherever used or referred to in this Article,shall have the following respective meanings, unless a different meaningclearly appears from the context:
(1) "Authority" or "recreation authority"shall mean a public body and a body corporate and politic organized inaccordance with the provisions of this Article for the purposes, with thepowers and subject to the restrictions hereinafter set forth.
(2) "City" shall mean the city or town having apopulation of more than one hundred thousand inhabitants (according to the lastfederal census) which is, or is about to be, included in the territorialboundaries of an authority when created hereunder.
(3) "City clerk" and "mayor" shall mean theclerk and mayor, respectively, of the city or the officers thereof charged withthe duties customarily imposed on the clerk and mayor, respectively.
(4) "Commissioner" shall mean one of the members of anauthority appointed in accordance with the provisions of this Article.
(5) "Council" shall mean the legislative body,council, board of commissioners, board of trustees, or other body charged withgoverning the city.
(6) "Federal government" shall include the UnitedStates of America, the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works or anyagency, instrumentality, corporate or otherwise, of the United States ofAmerica.
(7) "Government" shall include the State and federalgovernments and any subdivision, agency or instrumentality, corporate orotherwise, of any of them.
(8) "Real property" shall include lands, lands underwater, structures, and any and all easements, franchises and incorporealhereditaments and every estate and right therein, legal and equitable,including terms for years and liens by way of judgment, mortgage or otherwise.
(9) "State" shall mean the State of North Carolina.
(10) "Veteran" shall include every person who hasenlisted or who has been inducted, warranted or commissioned, and who servedhonorably in active duty in the military or naval service of the United Statesat any time, and who is honorably separated or discharged from such service, orwho, at the time of making use of the facilities, is still in active service,or has been retired, or who has been furloughed to a reserve. This definition shallbe liberally construed, with a view completely to effectuate the purpose andintent of this Article.
(11) "Veterans' recreation project" shall include allreal and personal property, buildings and improvements, offices and facilitiesacquired or constructed, or to be acquired or constructed, pursuant to a singleplan or undertaking to provide recreation facilities for veterans inconcentrated centers of population. The term "veterans' recreationproject" may also be applied to the planning of the buildings andimprovements, the acquisition of property, the construction, reconstruction,alteration and repair of the improvements, and all other work in connectiontherewith. (1945, c. 460, s.3.)