§ 165‑37. Contracts, etc., with federal government.
In addition to the powers conferred upon the authority by otherprovisions of this Article, the authority is empowered to borrow money and/oraccept grants from the federal government for or in aid of the construction ofany veterans' recreation project which such authority is authorized by thisArticle to undertake, to take over any land acquired by the federal governmentfor the construction of such a project, to take over, lease or manage anyrecreation project constructed or owned by the federal government, and to theseends, to enter into such contracts, mortgages, trust indentures, leases andother agreements which the federal government shall have the right to require.It is the purpose and intent of this Article to authorize every authority to doany and all things necessary to secure the financial aid and the cooperation ofthe federal government in the construction, maintenance and operation of anyveterans' recreation project which the authority is empowered by this Articleto undertake. (1945, c. 460, s.15.)