§ 165‑48. NorthCarolina Veterans Home Trust Fund.
(a) Establishment. A trust fund shall be established in theState treasury, for the Division of Veterans Affairs, to be known as the NorthCarolina Veterans Home Trust Fund.
(b) Composition. The trust fund shall consist of all funds andmonies received by the Veterans Affairs Commission or the Division of VeteransAffairs from the United States, any federal agency or institution, and anyother source, whether as a grant, appropriation, gift, contribution, bequest orindividual reimbursement, for the care and support of veterans who have beenadmitted to a State veterans home.
(c) Use of Fund. The trust fund created in subsection (a) ofthis section shall be used by the Division of Veterans Affairs:
(1) To pay for the care of veterans in said State veteranshomes;
(2) To pay the general operating expenses of the State veteranshomes, including the payment of salaries and wages of officials and employeesof said homes; and
(3) To remodel, repair, construct, modernize, or addimprovements to buildings and facilities at the homes.
(d) Miscellaneous. The following provisions apply to the trustfund created in subsection (a) of this section:
(1) All funds deposited and all income earned on the investmentor reinvestment of such funds shall be credited to the trust fund.
(2) Any monies remaining in the trust fund at the end of eachfiscal year shall remain on deposit in the State treasury to the credit of theNorth Carolina Veterans Home Trust Fund.
(3) Nothing contained herein shall prohibit the establishmentand utilization of special agency accounts by the Division of Veterans Affairs,as may be approved by the Veterans Affairs Commission, for the receipt anddisbursement of personal funds of the State veterans homes' residents or forreceipt and disbursement of charitable contributions for use by and forresidents. (1995, c. 346, s.1.)