§ 165‑50. Contracted operation of homes.
The Veterans Affairs Commission may contract with persons or othernongovernmental entities to operate each State veterans home. Contracts for theprocurement of services to manage, administer, and operate any State veteranshome shall be awarded on a competitive basis through the solicitation ofproposals and through the procedures established by statute and the Division ofPurchase and Contract. A contract may be awarded to the vendor whose proposalis most advantageous to the State, taking into consideration cost, programsuitability, management plan, excellence of program design, key personnel,corporate or company resources, financial condition of the vendor, experienceand past performance, and any other qualities deemed necessary by the VeteransAffairs Commission and set out in the solicitation for proposals. Any contractawarded under this section shall not exceed five years in length. The VeteransAffairs Commission is not required to select or recommend the vendor offeringthe lowest cost proposal but shall select or recommend the vendor who, in theopinion of the Commission, offers the proposal most advantageous to theveterans and the State of North Carolina. (1995, c. 346, s. 1.)