§ 165‑53. Eligibility and priorities.
(a) To be eligible for admission to a State veterans home, anapplicant shall meet the following requirements:
(1) The veteran shall have served in the active armed forces ofthe United States for other than training purposes;
(2) The veteran shall have been discharged from the armed forcesunder honorable conditions;
(3) The veteran shall be disabled by age, disease, or otherreason as determined through a physical examination by a State veterans homephysician; and
(4) The veteran shall have resided in the State of NorthCarolina for two years immediately prior to the date of application.
(b) Eligible veterans will be admitted into a State veteranshome or place on waiting lists for admission into a home according to thefollowing priorities:
(1) Eligible wartime veterans will receive priority overeligible nonwartime veterans and will be admitted to the first available bedcapable of providing the level of care required. Eligible wartime veterans withequal care requirements will be ranked in chronological order based on theearliest date of receipt of the veteran's application for care.
(2) All other eligible veterans will be ranked in chronologicalorder based on the earliest date of receipt of the veteran's application forcare. If more than one application is received on the same date, theAdministrative Officer will determine their sequential order on the listaccording to medical need.
(c) Nonveterans may occupy no more than twenty‑fivepercent (25%) of the total beds in a State veterans home. When any space isavailable for nonveterans, priority will be established for the followingrelatives of eligible veterans in the following order:
(1) Spouse.
(2) Widow or widower whose spouse, if living, would be aneligible veteran.
(3) Gold Star parents, defined as the mother or father of aveteran who died an honorable death while in active service to the UnitedStates during time of war or emergency. (1995, c. 346, s.1; 2001‑117, s. 3.)