§ 166A‑21. Definitions.
As used in this Article:
(1) "Hazardous materials emergency response team" or"hazmat team" means an organized group of persons specially trainedand equipped to respond to and control actual or potential leaks or spills ofhazardous materials.
(2) "Hazardous material" means any material defined asa hazardous substance under 29 Code of Federal Regulations § 1910.120(a)(3).
(3) "Hazardous materials incident" or "hazardousmaterials emergency" means an uncontrolled release or threatened releaseof a hazardous substance requiring outside assistance by a local firedepartment or hazmat team to contain and control.
(4) "Regional response team" means a hazmat team undercontract with the State to provide response to hazardous materials emergenciesoccurring outside the hazmat team's local jurisdiction at the direction of theDepartment of Crime Control and Public Safety, Division of EmergencyManagement.
(5) "Secretary" means the Secretary of the Departmentof Crime Control and Public Safety.
(6) "Technician‑level entry capability" meansthe capacity of a hazmat team, in terms of training and equipment as specifiedin 29 Code of Federal Regulations § 1910.120, to respond to a hazardousmaterials incident requiring affirmative measures, such as patching, plugging,or other action necessary to stop and contain the release of a hazardoussubstance at its source.
(7) "Terrorist incident" means activities that occurwithin the territorial jurisdiction of the United States, involve actsdangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the UnitedStates or of any state, and are intended to do one of the following:
a. Intimidate or coerce a civilian population.
b. Influence the policy of a government by intimidation orcoercion.
c. Affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction,assassination, or kidnapping. (1993 (Reg. Sess.,1994), c. 769, s. 22.4(b); 1997‑456, s. 27; 2002‑179, s. 21(b).)