Article 4.
Emergency Management Assistance Compact.
§ 166A‑40. Title of Article; entering intoCompact.
(a) This Article may be cited as the Emergency ManagementAssistance Compact.
(b) The Emergency Management Assistance Compact, hereinafter"Compact", is hereby enacted into law and entered into by this Statewith all other states legally joining therein, in the form substantially as setforth in this Article. This Compact is made and entered into by and between theparty states which enact this Compact. For the purposes of this Article, theterm "states" means the several states, the Commonwealth of PuertoRico, the District of Columbia, and all United States territorial possessionsand the term "party states" means the participating member stateswhich enact and enter into this Compact. (1997‑152, s. 1.)