§ 166A‑63. Issuance ofcertification; reciprocity; renewal.
(a) The EmergencyManagement Training and Standards Advisory Board shall issue documentation ofcertification, in a form and manner prescribed by the Division, to eachapplicant within North Carolina demonstrating successful completion of therequirements for the level of certification sought by the applicant.
(b) The Board may issuedocumentation of certification to any person in another state or territory ifthe person's qualifications were, at the date of registration or certification,substantially equivalent to the requirements established pursuant to thisArticle.
(c) Every personcertified pursuant to this Article who desires to maintain certification shallapply for renewal of certification within five years of the date of originalcertification or certification renewal.
(d) Renewal of Type I(advanced) certification is subject to completion of at least 24 hours ofcontinuing education requirements as established by the Board.
(e) A certificationthat is not renewed in accordance with this section automatically expires. TheBoard may approve reinstatement of an expired certification upon good causeshown by the applicant.
(f) Certificationsthat have been expired for more than five years shall not be reinstated. (2009‑192, s. 2.)