§ 166A‑6.1. Emergency planning; charge.
(a) Every person, firm, corporation or municipality who islicensed to construct or who is operating a fixed nuclear facility for theproduction of electricity shall pay to the Department of Crime Control andPublic Safety an annual fee of at least thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) foreach fixed nuclear facility which is located within this State or has a PlumeExposure Pathway Emergency Planning Zone of which any part is located withinthis State. This fee is to be applied to the costs of planning and implementingemergency response activities as are required by the Federal EmergencyManagement Agency for the operation of nuclear facilities. Said fee is to bepaid no later than July 31 of each year. This minimum fee may be increased fromtime to time as the costs of such planning and implementation increase. Suchincreases shall be by agreement between the State and the licensees oroperators of the fixed nuclear facilities.
(b) Every person, firm, corporation or municipality who islicensed to construct or who is operating a fixed nuclear facility for theproduction of electricity shall pay to the Department of Crime Control andPublic Safety, for the use of the Division of Environmental Health of theDepartment of Environment and Natural Resources, an annual fee of thirty‑sixthousand dollars ($36,000) for each fixed nuclear facility that is locatedwithin this State or that has a Plume Exposure Pathway Emergency Planning Zoneany part of which is located within this State. This fee shall be applied onlyto the costs of planning and implementing emergency response activities asrequired by the Federal Emergency Management Agency for the operation ofnuclear facilities. This fee is to be paid no later than July 31 of each year.
(c) The fees imposed by this section do not revert at the end ofa fiscal year. The amount of fees carried forward from one fiscal year to thenext shall be taken into consideration in determining the fee to be assessedeach fixed nuclear facility under subsection (a) in that fiscal year. (1981, c. 1128, ss. 1, 2; 1983, c. 622, ss. 1‑3; 1989, c. 727, s.219(42); 1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 964, s. 1; 1991 (Reg. Sess., 1992), c.1039, s. 18; 1997‑443, s. 11A.123; 2000‑109, s. 6; 2002‑70,s. 5.)