§ 166A‑8. Localemergency authorizations.
Procedures governing the declaration of a local state of emergency:
(1) A local state of emergency may be declared for any disaster,as defined in G.S. 166A‑4 under the provisions of Article 36A of G.S.Chapter 14.
(2) Such a declaration shall activate the local ordinancesauthorized in G.S. 14‑288.12 through 14‑288.14 and any and allapplicable local plans, mutual assistance compacts and agreements and shallalso authorize the furnishing of assistance thereunder.
(3) The timing, publication, amendment and recision of local"state of emergency" declarations shall be in accordance with thelocal ordinance. (1951, c. 1016, s.6; 1953, c. 1099, s. 4; 1957, c. 950, s. 2; 1959, c. 337, s. 5; 1973, c. 620,s. 9; 1975, c. 734, ss. 12, 14, 16; 1977, c. 848, s. 2.)