§ 168A‑2. Statement of purpose.
(a) The purpose of this Chapter is to ensure equality ofopportunity, to promote independent living, self‑determination, andeconomic self‑sufficiency, and to encourage and enable all persons withdisabilities to participate fully to the maximum extent of their abilities inthe social and economic life of the State, to engage in remunerativeemployment, to use available public accommodations and public services, and tootherwise pursue their rights and privileges as inhabitants of this State.
(b) The General Assembly finds that: the practice ofdiscrimination based upon a disabling condition is contrary to the publicinterest and to the principles of freedom and equality of opportunity; thepractice of discrimination on the basis of a disabling condition threatens therights and proper privileges of the inhabitants of this State; and suchdiscrimination results in a failure to realize the productive capacity ofindividuals to their fullest extent. (1985, c. 571, s.1; 1999‑160, s. 1; 2002‑163, s. 1.)