§ 168A‑7. Discrimination in public service.
It is a discriminatory practice for a State department, institution, oragency, or any political subdivision of the State or any person that contractswith the above for the delivery of public services including but not limited toeducation, health, social services, recreation, and rehabilitation, to refuseto provide reasonable aids and adaptations necessary for a known qualifiedperson with a disability to use or benefit from existing public servicesoperated by such entity; provided that the aids and adaptations do not imposean undue hardship on the entity involved. (1985, c. 571, s. 1; 1999‑160, s. 1.)
§ 168A‑7. (See Editor's note for applicability)Discrimination in public service.
(a) It is a discriminatory practice for a State department,institution, or agency, or any political subdivision of the State or any personthat contracts with the above for the delivery of public services including butnot limited to education, health, social services, recreation, andrehabilitation, to refuse to provide reasonable aids and adaptations necessaryfor a known qualified person with a disability to use or benefit from existingpublic services operated by such entity; provided that the aids and adaptationsdo not impose an undue hardship on the entity involved. This subsectionincludes equivalent services provided via information technology.
(b) A State department, institution, or agency, any politicalsubdivision of the State, and any person that contracts with these entities forthe delivery of public services shall administer its services programs, andactivities in the most integrated setting appropriate to the needs of personswith disabilities.(1985, c. 571, s. 1; 1999‑160,s. 1; 2002‑163, s. 3.)