§17E‑10. Donations to the Commission; grants and appropriations.
(a) The Commission mayaccept for any of its purposes and functions under this Chapter any and alldonations, both real and personal, and grants of money from any governmentalunit or public agency, or from any institution, person, firm or corporation,and may receive, utilize and dispose of same. Any arrangement pursuant to thissection shall be detailed in a biennial report of the Commission to the GeneralAssembly. Such report shall include the identity of the donor, the nature ofthe transaction, and the conditions, if any. Any money received by theCommission pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the State Treasury tothe account of the Commission.
(b) The Commission mayauthorize grants pursuant to this section and consistent with the powersconferred upon the Commission under G.S. 17E‑6.
(c) The Commission inproviding for the administration of the grant program authorized by thissection shall promote the most efficient and economical program of criminaljustice education and training, including the maximum utilization of existingfacilities and programs for the purpose of avoiding duplication.
(d) The Commission mayprovide grants as a reimbursement for actual expenses incurred by the State orany political subdivision thereof for the provision of training programsproviding said political subdivisions and State law‑enforcement agenciesdo adhere to the selection and training standards established by theCommission. (1983, c. 558, s. 1; 1991 (Reg. Sess., 1992), c. 1030,s. 9.)