§ 17E‑4. Powers andduties of the Commission.
(a) The Commissionshall have the following powers, duties, and responsibilities, which areenforceable through its rules and regulations, certification procedures, or theprovisions of G.S. 17E‑8 and G.S. 17E‑9:
(1) Promulgate rules andregulations for the administration of this Chapter, which rules may require (i)the submission by any agency of information with respect to the employment,education, and training of its justice officers, and (ii) the submission by anytraining school of information with respect to its programs that are requiredby this Chapter;
(2) Establish minimumeducational and training standards that may be met in order to qualify forentry level employment as an officer in temporary or probationary status or ina permanent position. The standards for entry level employment of officersshall include training in response to, and investigation of, domestic violencecases, as well as training in investigation for evidence‑basedprosecutions. For purposes of the domestic violence training requirement, theterm "officers" shall include justice officers as defined in G.S. 17E‑2(3)a.,except that the term shall not include "special deputy sheriffs" asdefined in G.S. 17E‑2(3)a.;
(3) Certify, pursuant tothe standards that it may establish for the purpose, persons as qualified underthe provisions of this Chapter who may be employed at entry level as officers;
(4) Establish minimumstandards for the certification of training schools and programs or courses ofinstruction that are required by this Chapter;
(5) Certify, pursuant tothe standards that it has established for the purpose, training schools andprograms or courses of instruction that are required by this Chapter;
(6) Establish standardsand levels of education or equivalent experience for teachers who participatein programs or courses of instruction that are required by this Chapter;
(7) Certify, pursuant tothe standards that it has established for the purpose, teachers who participatein programs or courses of instruction that are required by this Chapter;
(8) Investigate and makesuch evaluations as may be necessary to determine if agencies are complyingwith the provision of this Chapter;
(9) Adopt and amendbylaws, consistent with law, for its internal management and control;
(10) Enter into contractsincident to the administration of its authority pursuant to this Chapter;
(11) Establish minimumstandards for in‑service training for justice officers. In‑servicetraining standards shall include training in response to, and investigation of,domestic violence cases, as well as training in investigation for evidence‑basedprosecutions. For purposes of the domestic violence training requirement, theterm "justice officer" shall include those defined in G.S. 17E‑2(3)a.,except that the term shall not include "special deputy sheriffs" asdefined in G.S. 17E‑2(3)a.;
(12) Establish minimumstandards and levels of training for certification of instructors for thedomestic violence training required by subdivisions (2) and (11) of thissubsection.
The Commission may certify,and no additional certification shall be required from it, programs, coursesand teachers certified by the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education andTraining Standards Commission. Where the Commission determines that a program,course, instructor or teacher is required for an area which is unique to theoffice of sheriff, the Commission may certify such program, course, instructor,or teacher under such standards and procedures as it may establish.
(b) The Commissionshall have the following powers, which shall be advisory in nature and forwhich the Commission is not authorized to undertake any enforcement actions:
(1) Certify, pursuant tothe standards that it has established for the purpose, justice officers forthose law‑enforcement agencies that elect to comply with the minimumeducation, training, and experience standards established by the Commission forpositions for which advanced or specialized training, education, and experienceare appropriate;
(2) Consult andcooperate with counties, agencies of this State, other governmental agencies,and with universities, colleges, junior colleges, and other institutions,public or private, concerning the development of training schools and programsor courses of instruction;
(3) Study and makereports and recommendations concerning justice education and training in NorthCarolina;
(4) Conduct andstimulate research by public and private agencies which shall be designed toimprove education and training in the administration of justice;
(5) Study, obtain data,statistics, and information and make reports concerning the recruitment,selection, education and training of persons serving justice agencies in thisState; to make recommendations for improvement in methods of recruitment,selection, education and training of persons serving sheriffs' departments;
(6) Study and makereports and recommendations to the Governor, Attorney General, Chief Justice,President of the Senate and Speaker of the House, concerning the manpower,salary and equipment needs of the sheriffs of the State;
(7) Make recommendationsconcerning any matters within its purview pursuant to this Chapter;
(8) Appoint suchadvisory committees as it may deem necessary;
(9) Do such things asmay be necessary and incidental to the administration of its authority pursuantto this Chapter;
(10) Formulate basic plansfor and promote the development and improvement of a comprehensive system ofeducation and training for the officers and employees of agencies consistentwith its rules and regulations;
(11) Maintain liaisonamong municipal, State and federal agencies with respect to education andtraining;
(12) Promote the planningand development of a systematic career development program for sheriffs'department personnel. (1983, c. 558, s. 1; 1991, c. 265, s. 2; 1995, c. 103, ss. 4, 5; 2004‑186,ss. 2.7, 2.9, 2.10, 2.12.)