§ 17E‑6. JusticeOfficers' Standards Division established; appointment of director; duties.
(a) There is herebyestablished, within the Department of Justice, the Justice Officers' StandardsDivision hereinafter called "the Division," which shall be organizedand staffed in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and within thelimits of authorized appropriations.
(b) The AttorneyGeneral shall appoint a director for the Division chosen from a list ofnominees submitted to him by the Commission who shall be responsible to andserve at the pleasure of the Attorney General and the Commission.
(c) The Division shalladminister such programs as are assigned to it by the Commission.Administrative duties and responsibilities shall include, but are not limitedto, the following:
(1) Administering anyand all programs assigned to the Division by the Commission and reporting anyviolations of or deviations from the rules and regulations of the Commission asthe Commission may require;
(2) Compiling data, developingreports, identifying needs and performing research relevant to improvement ofthe agencies;
(3) Developing new andrevising existing programs for adoption consideration by the Commission;
(4) Monitoring andevaluating programs of the Commission;
(5) Providing technicalassistance to agencies of the justice system to aid them in the discharge ofprogram participation and responsibilities;
(6) Disseminatinginformation on Commission programs to concerned agencies or individuals;
(7) Taking such other actionsas may be deemed necessary or appropriate to carry out its assigned duties andresponsibilities;
(8) The director maydivulge any information in the Division's personnel file of a justice officeror applicant for certification to the head of the department employing theofficer or considering the applicant for employment when the director deems itnecessary and essential to the retention or employment of said officer orapplicant. The information may be divulged whether or not such information wascontained in a personnel file maintained by a State or by a local governmentagency. (1983, c. 558, s. 1; 1995, c. 103, s. 6.)