§ 18B‑1114. Authorization of nonresident wine vendor permit.
The holder of a nonresidentwine vendor permit may sell, deliver, and ship unfortified and fortified winein this State only to wholesalers, importers, and bottlers licensed under thisChapter, as authorized by the ABC laws. The unfortified and fortified wine mustcome to rest at the licensed premises of a wine wholesaler in this State beforebeing resold to a retailer. A nonresident wine vendor permit may be issued to awinery, a wholesaler, an importer, or a bottler outside North Carolina whodesires to sell, deliver, and ship unfortified and fortified wine into thisState. The holder of a nonresident wine vendor permit may sell, deliver, andship into this State only wine for which it is a primary American source ofsupply. To be considered a primary American source of supply, a nonresidentwine vendor must establish that it has lawfully purchased the wine from thewinery, or from an agent of the winery, and by written contract or otherwise hasbeen authorized by the winery to distribute the wine to wholesalers in theUnited States. (1981,c. 747, s. 63; 1993, c. 415, s. 24; 2006‑227, s. 13.)