§ 18B‑1114.5. Authorization of malt beverage special event permit.
(a) Authorization. Theholder of a brewery, malt beverage importer, or nonresident malt beveragevendor permit may obtain a malt beverage special event permit allowing thepermittee to give free tastings of its malt beverages and to sell its maltbeverages by the glass or in closed containers at trade shows, conventions,shopping malls, malt beverage festivals, street festivals, holiday festivals,agricultural festivals, balloon races, local fund‑raisers, and othersimilar events approved by the Commission. Except for a brewery operating underthe provisions of G.S. 18B‑1104(7), all malt beverages sampled or soldpursuant to this section must be purchased from a licensed malt beverages wholesaler.
(b) Limitation. Amalt beverage special event permit is valid only in a jurisdiction that hasapproved the establishment of ABC stores or has approved the sale of maltbeverages. A malt beverage special event shall not be used as subterfuge for maltbeverages suppliers to ship directly to retail permittees unless otherwiseauthorized by law. (2009‑377,s. 4.)