§18B‑306. Making wines and malt beverages for private use.
An individual may make,possess, and transport native wines and malt beverages for his own use and forthe use of his family and guests. Native wines shall be made principally fromhoney, grapes, or other fruit or grain grown in this State, or from wine kitscontaining honey, grapes, or other fruit or grain concentrates, and shall haveonly that alcoholic content produced by natural fermentation. Malt beveragesmay be made by use of malt beverage kits containing grain extracts orconcentrates. Wine kits and malt beverage kits may be sold in this State. NoABC permit is required to make beverages pursuant to this section. (1971,c. 872, s. 1; 1973, c. 1218; 1981, c. 412, s. 2; c. 747, s. 43; 1985, c. 114,s. 6.)