§18B‑602. Form of ballots.
(a) Malt BeverageElections. Any one or more of the propositions listed below may be placed onthe ballot for a malt beverage election. Each voter may vote on eachproposition on the ballot. The propositions to be used shall be chosen by thegoverning body or petitioner requesting the election. The propositions shallread as follows:
(1) To permit the"on‑premises" and "off‑premises" sale of maltbeverages.
[] FOR
(2) To permit the"on‑premises" sale only of malt beverages.
[] FOR
(3) To permit the"off‑premises" sale only of malt beverages.
[] FOR
(4) To permit the"on‑premises" sale of malt beverages by Class A hotels, motels,and restaurants only; and to permit "off‑premises" sales byother permittees.
[] FOR
(b) Determining Resultsof Malt Beverage Election. The kind of malt beverage sales described in eachproposition that receives a majority of votes "FOR" shall be allowed.If propositions (2) and (4) are both on the ballot and (2) receives a majorityof votes "FOR," then sales shall be permitted according to thatproposition regardless of the vote on (4). If one of the propositions receivinga majority of votes "FOR" is proposition (1), then the kind of salesdescribed in that proposition shall be allowed regardless of the vote on anyother proposition at that election.
(c) Subsequent MaltBeverage Elections. A subsequent election in which a majority votes"AGAINST" malt beverage proposition (1) shall not affect the legalityof sales that have previously been approved under proposition (2), (3), or (4).A subsequent election in which a majority votes "AGAINST" maltbeverage proposition (2) or (3) shall not affect the legality of sales thathave previously been approved under proposition (4).
(d) Unfortified WineElections. Any one or more of the propositions listed below may be placed onthe ballot for an unfortified wine election. Each voter may vote on eachproposition on the ballot. The propositions to be used shall be chosen by thegoverning body or petitioner requesting the election. The propositions shallread as follows:
(1) To permit the"on‑premises" and "off‑premises" sale ofunfortified wine.
[] FOR
(2) To permit the"on‑premises" sale only of unfortified wine.
[] FOR
(3) To permit the"off‑premises" sale only of unfortified wine.
[] FOR
(e) Determining Resultsof Unfortified Wine Election. The kind of unfortified wine sales described ineach proposition that receives a majority of votes "FOR" shall beallowed. If one of the propositions receiving a majority of votes"FOR" is proposition (1), then the kind of sales described in thatproposition shall be allowed, regardless of the vote on any other propositionat that election.
(f) SubsequentUnfortified Wine Election. A subsequent election in which a majority votes"AGAINST" unfortified wine proposition (1) shall not affect thelegality of sales previously approved under proposition (2) or (3).
(g) ABC StoreElections. The ballot for an ABC store election shall state the propositionas follows:
Topermit the operation of ABC stores.
[] FOR
(h) Mixed BeverageElections. The ballot for a mixed beverage election shall state theproposition as follows:
To permit the sale of mixed beverages in hotels,restaurants, private clubs, community theatres, and convention centers.
[] FOR
(1947, c. 1084, ss. 1, 2, 4; 1951, c. 999, ss. 1, 2;1957, c. 816; 1963, c. 265, ss. 1‑3; 1965, c. 506; 1969, c. 647, s. 1;1971, c. 872, s. 1; 1973, c. 33; 1977, c. 149, s. 1; c. 182, s. 2; 1979, c.140, s. 3; c. 683, s. 13; 1981, c. 412, s. 2; 1981 (Reg. Sess., 1982), c. 1262,s. 9; 1983, c. 583, s. 6.)