§19A‑12. Possession of black bear on July 1, 1975; surrender of bear;modification of facilities; forfeiture.
Any person, firm orcorporation in possession of a black bear on July 1, 1975, under an existingpermit issued by the Wildlife Resources Commission, where the conditions underwhich such black bear is held are in violation of this Article, may immediatelysurrender such black bear and such permit to the Wildlife Resources Commissionwhich shall compensate such person, firm or corporation in the amount actuallypaid for such bear not to exceed the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) forany one bear. In lieu of surrendering such black bear and such permit, any suchperson, firm or corporation may give immediately written notice to the WildlifeResources Commission that plans and specifications for facilities to hold suchbear without caging under conditions simulating a natural habitat will besubmitted to the Commission for approval within 30 days thereafter. In theevent such plans and specifications are not submitted within the time thuslimited, or they are disapproved by the Commission, or the facilities are notcompleted in accordance therewith within 60 days after approval by theCommission, continued possession of a black bear by such person, firm orcorporation after any of such events shall constitute a violation of theprovisions of this Article, and any such black bear shall be forfeited to theWildlife Resources Commission without compensation. (1975, c. 56, s. 3.)