§19A‑63. Eligibility for distributions from Spay/Neuter Account.
(a) A county or city iseligible for reimbursement from the Spay/Neuter Account if it meets thefollowing condition:
(1) The county or cityoffers one or more of the following programs to low‑income persons on ayear‑round basis for the purpose of reducing the cost of spaying andneutering procedures for dogs and cats:
a. A spay/neuter clinicoperated by the county or city.
b. A spay/neuter clinicoperated by a private organization under contract or other arrangement with thecounty or city.
c. A contract orcontracts with one or more veterinarians, whether or not located within thecounty, to provide reduced‑cost spaying and neutering procedures.
d. Subvention of thespaying and neutering costs incurred by low‑income pet owners through theuse of vouchers or other procedure that provides a discount of the cost of thespaying or neutering procedure fixed by a participating veterinarian or otherprovider.
e. Subvention of thespaying and neutering costs incurred by persons who adopt a pet from an animalshelter operated by or under contract with the county or city.
(2) Reserved for futurecodification purposes.
(b) For purposes ofthis Article, the term "low‑income person" shall mean anindividual who qualifies for one or more of the programs of public assistanceadministered by the Department pursuant to Chapter 108A of the GeneralStatutes. (2000‑163, s. 1.)