§ 20‑114. Duty ofofficers; manner of enforcement.
(a) For the purpose ofenforcing the provisions of this Article, it is hereby made the duty of everypolice officer of any incorporated city or village, and every sheriff, deputysheriff, and all other lawful officers of any county to arrest within thelimits of their jurisdiction any person known personally to any such officer,or upon the sworn information of a creditable witness, to have violated any ofthe provisions of this Article, and to immediately bring such offender beforeany magistrate or officer having jurisdiction, and any such person so arrestedshall have the right of immediate trial, and all other rights given to anyperson arrested for having committed a misdemeanor. Every officer herein namedwho shall neglect or refuse to carry out the duties imposed by this Chaptershall be liable on his official bond for such neglect or refusal as provided bylaw in like cases.
(b) It shall be theduty of all sheriffs, police officers, deputy sheriffs, deputy police officers,and all other officers within the State to cooperate with and render allassistance in their power to the officers herein provided for, and nothing inthis Article shall be construed as relieving said sheriffs, police officers, deputysheriffs, deputy police officers, and other officers of the duties imposed onthem by this Chapter.
(c) It shall also bethe duty of every law enforcement officer to make immediate report to theCommissioner of all motor vehicles reported to the officer as abandoned or thatare seized by the officer for being used for illegal transportation ofalcoholic beverages or other unlawful purposes, or seized and are subject toforfeiture pursuant to G.S. 20‑28.2, et seq., or any other statute, andno motor vehicle shall be sold by any sheriff, police or peace officer, or byany person, firm or corporation claiming a mechanic's or storage lien, or underjudicial proceedings, until notice on a form approved by the Commissioner shallhave been given the Commissioner at least 20 days before the date of such sale.(1937, c. 407, s. 78; 1943, c. 726; 1967, c. 862; 1971, c. 528, s. 13;1981, c. 412, s. 4; c. 747, s. 66; 1998‑182, s. 12.)