§ 20‑120. Operation offlat trucks on State highways regulated; trucks hauling leaf tobacco in barrelsor hogsheads.
It shall be unlawful for anyperson, firm or corporation to operate, or have operated on any public highwayin the State any open, flat truck loaded with logs, cotton bales, boxes orother load piled on said truck, without having the said load securely fastenedon said truck.
It shall be unlawful for anyfirm, person or corporation to operate or permit to be operated on any highwayof this State a truck or trucks on which leaf tobacco in barrels or hogsheadsis carried unless each section or tier of such barrels or hogsheads arereasonably securely fastened to such truck or trucks by metal chains or wirecables, or manila or hemp ropes of not less than five‑eighths inch indiameter, to hold said barrels or hogsheads in place under any ordinary trafficor road condition: Provided that the provisions of this paragraph shall notapply to any truck or trucks on which the hogsheads or barrels of tobacco arearranged in a single layer, tier, or plane, it being the intent of thisparagraph to require the use of metal chains or wire cables only when barrelsor hogsheads of tobacco are stacked or piled one upon the other on a truck ortrucks. Nothing in this paragraph shall apply to trucks engaged intransporting hogsheads or barrels of tobacco between factories and storagehouses of the same company unless such hogsheads or barrels are placed upon thetruck in tiers. In the event the hogsheads or barrels of tobacco are placedupon the truck in tiers same shall be securely fastened to the said truck ashereinbefore provided in this paragraph.
Any person violating theprovisions of this section shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor. (1939,c. 114; 1947, c. 1094; 1953, c. 240; 1993, c. 539, s. 358; 1994, Ex. Sess., c.24, s. 14(c).)