§ 20‑125.1. Directionalsignals.
(a) It shall beunlawful for the owner of any motor vehicle of a changed model or seriesdesignation indicating that it was manufactured or assembled after July 1,1953, to register such vehicle or cause it to be registered in this State, orto obtain, or cause to be obtained in this State registration plates therefor,unless such vehicle is equipped with a mechanical or electrical signal deviceby which the operator of the vehicle may indicate to the operator of another vehicle,approaching from either the front or rear and within a distance of 200 feet,his intention to turn from a direct line. Such signal device must be of a typeapproved by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles.
(b) It shall beunlawful for any dealer to sell or deliver in this State any motor vehicle of achanged model or series designation indicating that it was manufactured orassembled after July 1, 1953, if he knows or has reasonable cause to believethat the purchaser of such vehicle intends to register it or cause it to beregistered in this State or to resell it to any other person for registrationin and use upon the highways of this State, unless such motor vehicle isequipped with a mechanical or electrical signal device by which the operator ofthe vehicle may indicate to the operator of another vehicle, approaching fromeither of the front or rear or within a distance of 200 feet, his intention toturn from a direct line. Such signal device must be of a type approved by theCommissioner of Motor Vehicles: Provided that in the case of any motor vehiclemanufactured or assembled after July 1, 1953, the signal device with which suchmotor vehicle is equipped shall be presumed prima facie to have been approvedby the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles. Irrespective of the date of manufactureof any motor vehicle a certificate from the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles tothe effect that a particular type of signal device has been approved by hisDivision shall be admissible in evidence in all the courts of this State.
(c) Trailers satisfyingthe following conditions are not required to be equipped with a directionalsignal device:
(1) The trailer and loaddoes not obscure the directional signals of the towing vehicle from the viewof a driver approaching from the rear and within a distance of 200 feet;
(2) The gross weight ofthe trailer and load does not exceed 4,000 pounds.
(d) Nothing in thissection shall apply to motorcycles. (1953, c. 481; 1957, c. 488,s. 1; 1963, c. 524; 1969, c. 622; 1975, c. 716, s. 5.)