§ 20‑133. Enforcementof provisions.
(a) The Commissioner isauthorized to designate, furnish instructions to and to supervise officialstations for adjusting headlamps and auxiliary driving lamps to conform withthe provisions of G.S. 20‑129. When headlamps and auxiliary driving lampshave been adjusted in conformity with the instructions issued by theCommissioner, a certificate of adjustment shall be issued to the driver of themotor vehicle on forms issued in duplicate by the Commissioner and showing dateof issue, registration number of the motor vehicle, owner's name, make ofvehicle and official designation of the adjusting station.
(b) The driver of anymotor vehicle equipped with approved headlamps, auxiliary driving lamps, rearlamps or signal lamps, who is arrested upon a charge that such lamps areimproperly adjusted or are equipped with bulbs of a candlepower not approvedfor use therewith, shall be allowed 48 hours within which to bring such lampsinto conformance with the requirements of this Article. It shall be a defenseto any such charge that the person arrested produce in court or submit to theprosecuting attorney a certificate from an official adjusting station showingthat within 48 hours after such arrest such lamps have been made to conformwith the requirements of this Article. (1937, c. 407, s. 96.)