§ 20‑135. Safety glass.
(a) It shall beunlawful to operate knowingly, on any public highway or street in this State,any motor vehicle which is registered in the State of North Carolina and whichshall have been manufactured or assembled on or after January 1, 1936, unlesssuch motor vehicle be equipped with safety glass wherever glass is used indoors, windows, windshields, wings or partitions; or for a dealer to sell amotor vehicle manufactured or assembled on or after January 1, 1936, foroperation upon the said highways or streets unless it be so equipped. Theprovisions of this Article shall not apply to any motor vehicle if such motorvehicle shall have been registered previously in another state by the ownerwhile the owner was a bona fide resident of said other state.
(b) The term"safety glass" as used in this Article shall be construed as meaningglass so treated or combined with other materials as to reduce, in comparisonwith ordinary sheet glass or plate glass, the likelihood of injury to personsby glass when the glass is cracked or broken.
(c) The Division ofMotor Vehicles shall approve and maintain a list of the approved types ofglass, conforming to the specifications and requirements for safety glass asset forth in this Article, and in accordance with standards recognized by theUnited States Bureau of Standards, and shall not issue a license for orrelicense any motor vehicle subject to the provisions of this Article unlesssuch motor vehicle be equipped as herein provided with such approved type ofglass.
(d) Repealed by SessionLaws 1985, c. 764, s. 26. (1937, c. 407, s. 98; 1941, c. 36; 1975, c. 716, s. 5;1985, c. 764, s. 26; 1985 (Reg. Sess., 1986), c. 852, s. 17.)