§ 20‑140.3. Unlawfuluse of National System of Interstate and Defense Highways and other controlled‑accesshighways.
On those sections of highwayswhich are or become a part of the National System of Interstate and DefenseHighways and other controlled‑access highways, it shall be unlawful forany person:
(1) To drive a vehicleover, upon, or across any curb, central dividing section or other separation ordividing line on said highways.
(2) To make a left turnor a semicircular or U‑turn except through an opening provided for thatpurpose in the dividing curb, separation section, or line on said highways.
(3) To drive any vehicleexcept in the proper lane provided for that purpose and in the proper directionand to the right of the central dividing curb, separation section, or line onsaid highways.
(4) To drive a vehicleonto or from any controlled‑access highway except at such entrances andexits as are established by public authority.
(5) To stop, park, orleave standing any vehicle, whether attended or unattended, on any part orportion of the right‑of‑way of said highways, except in the case ofan emergency or as directed by a peace officer, or at designated parking areas.
(6) To fail to yield theright‑of‑way when entering the highway to any vehicle alreadytravelling on the highway.
(7) Notwithstanding anyother subdivision of this section, a law enforcement officer may cross themedian of a divided highway when the officer has reasonable grounds to believethat a felony is being or has been committed, has personal knowledge that avehicle is being operated at a speed or in a manner which is likely to endangerpersons or property, or the officer has reasonable grounds to believe that theofficer's presence is immediately required at a location which wouldnecessitate crossing a median of a divided highway for this purpose. Firedepartment vehicles and public or private ambulances and rescue squad emergencyservice vehicles traveling in response to a fire alarm or other emergency callmay cross the median of a divided highway when assistance is immediatelyrequired at a location which would necessitate the vehicle crossing a median ofa divided highway for this purpose. (1973, c. 1330, s. 5; 1977,c. 731, s. 1; 1999‑330, s. 5.)