§ 20‑141.2. Prima facierule of evidence as to operation of motor vehicle altered so as to increasepotential speed.
Proof of the operation uponany street or highway of North Carolina at a speed in excess of the limitsprovided by law of any motor vehicle when the motor, or any mechanical part orfeature, or the design of the motor vehicle has been changed or altered so thatthere is a variation between such motor vehicle as changed or altered and themotor vehicle as constructed according to specification of the original motorvehicle manufacturer, with the result that the potential speed of such vehiclehas been increased beyond that which existed prior to such change oralteration, or the proof of operation upon any street or highway of NorthCarolina at a speed in excess of the limits provided by law of any motorvehicle assembled from parts of two or more different makes of motor vehicles,whether or not any specially made or specially designed parts or appliances areincluded in the manufacture and assembly thereof, shall be prima facie evidencethat such motor vehicle was operated at such time by the registered ownerthereof. (1953, c. 1220.)