§ 20‑147.1. Passengervehicle towing other vehicles to keep right.
Whenever a noncommercialpassenger vehicle as defined in G.S. 20‑4.01(27)g. is towing anothervehicle as defined in G.S. 20‑4.01(49), the driver of the towing vehicleshall at all times cause that vehicle to travel on the right half of thehighway, and upon any highway having four or more lanes for moving traffic andproviding for two‑way movement of traffic, the vehicle shall not bedriven in the left‑most lane of the right half of the highway except whenovertaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction, whenpreparing for a left turn, or the right lanes are obstructed or impassable.These towing vehicles shall also comply with all signage for vehicles of threeor more axles erected pursuant to G.S. 20‑146(d)(3). (2004‑124, s. 30.6(a);2004‑199, s. 56.)