§ 20‑171.7. Legislativefindings and purpose.
(a) The GeneralAssembly finds and declares that:
(1) Disability and deathof children resulting from injuries sustained in bicycling accidents are aserious threat to the public health, welfare, and safety of the people of thisState, and the prevention of that disability and death is a goal of all NorthCarolinians.
(2) Head injuries arethe leading cause of disability and death from bicycling accidents.
(3) The risk of headinjury from bicycling accidents is significantly reduced for bicyclists whowear proper protective bicycle helmets; yet helmets are worn by fewer than fivepercent (5%) of child bicyclists nationwide.
(4) The risk of headinjury or of any other injury to a small child who is a passenger on a bicycleoperated by another person would be significantly reduced if any childpassenger sat in a separate restraining seat.
(b) The purpose of thisArticle is to reduce the incidence of disability and death resulting frominjuries incurred in bicycling accidents by requiring that while riding on abicycle on the public roads, public bicycle paths, and other public rights‑of‑wayof this State, all bicycle operators and passengers under the age of 16 yearswear approved protective bicycle helmets; that all bicycle passengers who weighless than 40 pounds or are less than 40 inches in height be seated in separaterestraining seats; and that no person who is unable to maintain an erect,seated position shall be a passenger in a bicycle restraining seat, and allother bicycle passengers shall be seated on saddle seats. (2001‑268, s. 1.)