§ 20‑183.4C. When avehicle must be inspected; three‑day trip permit.
(a) Inspection. Avehicle that is subject to a safety inspection, an emissions inspection, orboth must be inspected as follows:
(1) A new vehicle mustbe inspected before it is sold at retail in this State. Upon purchase, areceipt approved by the Division must be provided to the new owner certifyingcompliance.
(1a) A new motor vehicledealer who is also licensed pursuant to this Article may, notwithstandingsubdivision (1) of this section, examine the safety and emissions controldevices on a new motor vehicle and perform such services necessary to ensurethe motor vehicle conforms to the required specifications established by themanufacturer and contained in its predelivery check list. The completion of thepredelivery inspection procedure required or recommended by the manufacturer ona new motor vehicle shall constitute the inspection required by subdivision (1)of this section. For the purposes of this subdivision, the date of inspectionshall be deemed to be the date of the sale of the motor vehicle to a purchaser.
(2) A used vehicle mustbe inspected before it is offered for sale at retail in this State by a dealer.Upon purchase, a receipt approved by the Division must be provided to the newowner certifying compliance.
(3) Repealed by SessionLaw 2007‑503, s. 5, effective October 1, 2008.
(4) Except as authorizedby the Commissioner for a single period of time not to exceed 12 months fromthe initial date of registration, a new or used vehicle acquired by a residentof this State from outside the State must be inspected before the vehicle isregistered with the Division.
(5) Except as authorizedby the Commissioner for a single period of time not to exceed 12 months fromthe initial date of registration, a vehicle owned by a new resident of thisState who transfers the registration of the vehicle from the resident's formerhome state to this State must be inspected before the vehicle is registeredwith the Division.
(5a) Repealed by SessionLaw 2007‑503, s. 5, effective October 1, 2008.
(6) A vehicle that hasbeen inspected in accordance with this Part must be inspected by the last dayof the month in which the registration on the vehicle expires.
(7) A vehicle that isrequired to be inspected in accordance with this Part may be inspected 90 daysprior to midnight of the last day of the month as designated by the vehicleregistration sticker.
(8) A new or usedvehicle acquired from a retailer in this State and registered with the Divisionwith a new registration or a transferred registration must be inspected inaccordance with this Part when the current registration expires.
(9) A used vehicleacquired from a private sale in this State must be inspected in accordance withthis Part before the vehicle is registered with the Division unless it hasreceived a passing inspection within the previous 12 months.
(10) An unregisteredvehicle must be inspected before the vehicle is registered with the Divisionunless it has received a passing inspection within the previous 12 months.
(11) A person who owns avehicle located outside of this State when its emissions inspection becomes duemay obtain an emissions inspection in the jurisdiction where the vehicle islocated, in lieu of a North Carolina emissions inspection, as long as theinspection meets the requirements of 40 C.F.R. § 51.
(b) Permit. TheDivision may issue a three‑day trip permit to a person that authorizesthe person to drive a vehicle whose inspection authorization or registrationhas expired. The permit may only be issued when the person has furnished proofof financial responsibility. The permit must describe the vehicle whoseinspection authorization or registration has expired. The permit authorizes theperson to drive the described vehicle only from the place the vehicle is parkedto an inspection station, repair shop, or Division or contract agentregistration office.
The Division may issue a 10‑daytemporary permit to a person that authorizes the person to drive a vehicle thatfailed to pass the emissions inspection. The permit must describe the vehiclethat failed to pass inspection and the date that it failed to pass inspection.
(c) Exemption. TheDivision may issue a temporary exemption from the inspection requirements ofthis Article for any vehicle that has been determined by the Division to beprincipally garaged, as defined under G.S. 58‑37‑1(11), in thisState and is primarily operated outside a county subject to emissionsinspection requirements or outside of this State. (1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c.754, s. 1; 1997‑29, s. 2; 2001‑504, s. 11; 2007‑481, s. 2;2007‑503, s. 5; 2008‑190, s. 3; 2009‑319, s. 2.)