§ 20‑183.6A. Administration of program; duties of license holders.
(a) Division. TheDivision is responsible for administering the safety inspection and theemissions inspection programs. In exercising this responsibility, the Divisionmust:
(1) Conduct performanceaudits, record audits, and equipment audits of those licensed to performinspections to ensure that inspections are performed properly.
(2) Ensure that Divisionpersonnel who audit license holders are knowledgeable about audit proceduresand about the requirements of both the safety inspection and the emissionsinspection programs.
(3) Perform an emissionsinspection on a vehicle when requested to do so by a vehicle owner so the ownercan compare the result of the inspection performed by the Division with theresult of an inspection performed at an emissions inspection station.
(4) Investigatecomplaints about a person licensed to perform inspections and reports ofirregularities in performing inspections.
(5) Establish writtenprocedures for the issuance of electronic inspection authorizations to personslicensed to perform electronic inspection authorizations.
(6) Submit informationand reports to the federal Environmental Protection Agency as required by 40C.F.R. Part 51.
(b) License Holders. Aperson who is licensed by the Division under this Part must post the license atthe place required by the Division and must keep a record of inspectionsperformed. The inspection record must identify the vehicle that was inspected,indicate the type of inspection performed and the date of inspection, andcontain any other information required by the Division. A self‑inspectoror an inspection station must send its records of inspections to the Divisionin the form and at the time required by the Division. An auditor of theDivision may review the inspection records of a person licensed by the Divisionunder this Part during normal business hours. (1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 754, s. 1; 2007‑503,s. 11.)