§ 20‑183.8D. Suspensionor revocation of license.
(a) Safety. TheDivision may suspend or revoke a safety self‑inspector license, a safetyinspection station license, and a safety inspection mechanic license issuedunder this Part if the license holder fails to comply with this Part or a ruleadopted by the Commissioner to implement this Part.
(b) Emissions. TheDivision may suspend or revoke an emissions self‑inspector license, anemissions inspection station license, and an emissions inspection mechaniclicense issued under this Part for any of the following reasons:
(1) The suspension orrevocation is imposed under G.S. 20‑183.8B.
(2) Failure to pay acivil penalty imposed under G.S. 20‑183.8B within 30 days after it isimposed. (1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 754, s. 1; 1997‑29,s. 8.)