§ 20‑185. Personnel;appointment; salaries.
(a) The State HighwayPatrol shall consist of a commanding officer, who shall be appointed by theGovernor and whose rank shall be designated by the Governor, and suchadditional subordinate officers and members as the Secretary of Crime Controland Public Safety, with the approval of the Governor, shall direct. Members ofthe State Highway Patrol shall be appointed by the Secretary, with the approvalof the Governor, and shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor and Secretary.The commanding officer, other officers and members of the State Highway Patrolshall be paid such salaries as may be established by the Division of Personnelof the Department of Administration. Notwithstanding any other provision of thisArticle, the number of supervisory personnel of the State Highway Patrol shallnot exceed a number equal to twenty‑one percent (21%) of the personnelactually serving as uniformed highway patrolmen. Nothing in the previoussentence is intended to require the demotion, reassignment or change in statusof any member of the State Highway Patrol presently assigned in a supervisorycapacity. If a reduction in the number of Highway Patrol personnel assigned insupervisory capacity is required in order for the State Highway Patrol to meetthe mandatory maximum percentage of supervisory personnel as set out in thefourth sentence of this subsection, that reduction shall be achieved throughnormal attrition resulting from supervisory personnel resigning, retiring orvoluntarily transferring from supervisory positions.
(b)‑(f) Repealed bySession Laws 1979, 2nd Session, c. 1272, s. 2.
(g), (h) Struck out by SessionLaws 1961, c. 833, s. 6.2.
(i) Positions in theHighway Patrol Division approved by the General Assembly in the first fiscalyear of a biennium to be added in the second fiscal year of a biennium may notbe filled before adjustments to the budget for the second fiscal year of thebudget are enacted by the General Assembly. If a position to be added in the HighwayPatrol Division for the second fiscal year of the biennium requires training,no applicant may be trained to fill the position until the budget adjustmentsfor the second fiscal year are enacted by the General Assembly. (1929,c. 218, s. 1; 1931, c. 381; 1935, c. 324, s. 1; 1937, c. 313, s. 1; 1941, c.36; 1947, c. 461, s. 1; 1953, c. 1195, s. 1; 1955, c. 372; 1957, c. 1394; 1959,cc. 370, 1320; 1961, c. 833, s. 6.2; 1973, c. 59; 1975, c. 61, ss. 1, 2; c.716, s. 5; 1977, c. 70, ss. 6‑8, 13; c. 329, ss. 1‑3; cc. 749, 889;1979, 2nd Sess., c. 1272, s. 2; 1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 1066, s. 133.)