§ 20‑187.2. Badges andservice side arms of deceased or retiring members of State, city and county law‑enforcementagencies; weapons of active members.
(a) Surviving spouses,or in the event such members die unsurvived by a spouse, surviving children ofmembers of North Carolina State, city and county law‑enforcement agencieskilled in the line of duty or who are members of such agencies at the time oftheir deaths, and retiring members of such agencies shall receive upon requestand at no cost to them, the badge worn or carried by such deceased or retiringmember. The governing body of a law‑enforcement agency may, in itsdiscretion, also award to a retiring member or surviving relatives as providedherein, upon request, the service side arm of such deceased or retiringmembers, at a price determined by such governing body, upon securing a permitas required by G.S. 14‑402 et seq. or 14‑409.1 et seq., or withoutsuch permit provided the weapon shall have been rendered incapable of beingfired. Governing body shall mean for county and local alcohol beverage controlofficers, the county or local board of alcoholic control; for all other law‑enforcementofficers with jurisdiction limited to a municipality or town, the city or towncouncil; for all other law‑ enforcement officers with countywidejurisdiction, the board of county commissioners; for all State law‑enforcementofficers, the head of the department.
(b) Active members ofNorth Carolina State law‑enforcement agencies, upon change of type ofweapons, may purchase the weapon worn or carried by such member at a pricewhich shall be the average yield to the State from the sale of similar weaponsduring the preceding year. (1971, c. 669; 1973, c. 1424; 1975, c. 44; 1977, c.548; 1979, c. 882; 1987, c. 122.)