§ 20‑196.4. Oversizedand hazardous shipment escort fee.
(a) Every person, firm,corporation, or entity required by the North Carolina Department ofTransportation or any federal agency or commission to have a law enforcementescort provided by the State Highway Patrol for the transport of any oversizedload or hazardous shipment by road or rail shall pay to the Department of CrimeControl and Public Safety a fee covering the full cost to administer, plan, andcarry out the escort within this State.
(b) If the StateHighway Patrol provides an escort to accompany the transport of oversized loadsor hazardous shipments by road or rail at the request of any person, firm,corporation, or entity that is not required to have a law enforcement escortpursuant to subsection (a) of this section, then the requester shall pay to theDepartment of Crime Control and Public Safety a fee covering the full cost toadminister, plan, and carry out the escort within this State.
(c) The Department ofCrime Control and Public Safety shall comply with the provisions of G.S. 12‑3.1(a)(2)when establishing fees to implement this section.
(d) All fees collectedpursuant to this section shall be placed in a special Escort Fee Account andshall remain unencumbered and unexpended until appropriated by the GeneralAssembly.
(e) The Departmentshall report quarterly on the funds in the special account to the Chairs of theJoint Legislative Transportation Oversight Committee, to the Chairs of theHouse of Representatives Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation and theSenate Appropriations Subcommittee on Department of Transportation, and to theChairs of the Senate and House of Representatives Appropriations Subcommitteeson Justice and Public Safety. (2002‑126, s. 26.17(a).)