§ 20‑2. Commissioner ofMotor Vehicles; rules.
(a) Commissioner andAssistants. The Division of Motor Vehicles shall be administered by theCommissioner of Motor Vehicles, who shall be appointed by and serve at thepleasure of the Secretary of the Department of Transportation. The Commissionershall be paid an annual salary to be fixed by the General Assembly in theCurrent Operations Appropriations Act and allowed his traveling expenses asallowed by law.
In any action, proceeding, ormatter of any kind, to which the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles is a party orin which he may have an interest, all pleadings, legal notices, proof of claim,warrants for collection, certificates of tax liability, executions, and otherlegal documents, may be signed and verified on behalf of the Commissioner ofMotor Vehicles by the Assistant Commissioner of Motor Vehicles or by anydirector or assistant director of any section of the Division of Motor Vehiclesor by any other agent or employee of the Division so authorized by theCommissioner of Motor Vehicles.
(b) Rules. TheCommissioner may adopt rules to implement this Chapter. Chapter 150B of theGeneral Statutes governs the adoption of rules by the Commissioner. (1941,c. 36, s. 2; 1945, c. 527; 1955, c. 472; 1975, c. 716, s. 5; 1983, c. 717, s.5; 1983 (Reg. Sess., 1984), c. 1034, s. 164; 1991, c. 477, s. 4.)