§ 20‑219.4. Publicvehicular area designated.
(a) Any area of privateproperty used for vehicular traffic may be designated by the property owner asa public vehicular area by registering the area with the Department ofTransportation and by erecting signs identifying the area as a public vehiculararea in conformity with rules adopted by the Department of Transportation.
(b) The Department ofTransportation shall serve as a registry for registrations of public vehicularareas permitted under this section. The Department shall adopt rules forregistration requirements and procedures. The Department shall also adopt rulesgoverning the size and locations of signs designating public vehicular areas byprivate property owners in accordance with this section. These rules shallensure that signs erected pursuant to this provision shall be placed so as toprovide reasonable notice to motorists.
(c) The Departmentshall charge a fee not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) perregistration request authorized by this section. The Department may also chargethe reasonable cost for furnishing a certified copy of a registration whenrequested. Funds collected under this subsection shall be used to cover thecost of maintaining the registry. (2001‑441, s. 2.)