§ 20‑279.13. Suspensionfor nonpayment of judgment; exceptions.
(a) The Commissioner,upon the receipt of a certified copy of a judgment, which has remainedunsatisfied for a period of 60 days, shall forthwith suspend the license andany nonresident's operating privilege of any person against whom such judgmentwas rendered, except as hereinafter otherwise provided in this section and inG.S. 20‑279.16.
(b) The Commissionershall not, however, revoke or suspend the license of an owner or driver if theinsurance carried by him was in a company which was authorized to transactbusiness in this State and which subsequent to an accident involving the owneror operator and prior to settlement of the claim therefor went intoliquidation, so that the owner or driver is thereby unable to satisfy thejudgment arising out of the accident.
(c) If the judgmentcreditor consents in writing, in such form as the Commissioner may prescribe,that the judgment debtor be allowed license or nonresident's operatingprivilege, the same may be allowed by the Commissioner, in his discretion, forsix months from the date of such consent and thereafter until such consent isrevoked in writing notwithstanding default in the payment of such judgment, orof any installments thereof prescribed in G.S. 20‑279.16. (1953,c. 1300, s. 13; 1965, c. 926, s. 1; 1969, c. 186, s. 4; 1979, c. 667, s. 37.)